Quantum computer use quantum mechanics to perform any computation. Basic unit of quantum system is Quantum Bits. These technology has great contributions in Super computer, Artificial intelligence or Machine learning. Many big companies are investing billion to develop super computer to get their thinking models.
Regular computer store information in bits 0 or 1. But Quantum computer stores information in Qubits ( i.e Quantum Bits). It means it store 0 and 1.It was the reason why Quantum computer are Faster than a Classical computer. Quantum computer base on Quantum Gates and Mearsurent. Any two level Quantum mechanics system used as Quit. Study of Quantum system is done by Quantum simulator. Quantum computer are very useful in solving physics problem. Quantum computer process information in fraction of time. A new Exascale computing project will also based on Quantum Bits. Quantum computer are useful in cryptography. It also considered as threat in Cyber security. A Quantum computing method called as Grover's algorithm. It can be able to decrypt Internet data also.