A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions and sensation that usually occur involuntarily in mind during certain stage if sleep.
What is scientific study of dreams?
Dream has been a topic of science, philosophy and religious interest. The scientific study of dream is called Oneirology. In this, we study that how brain work during dream. They also study relation between dream and reality or current knowledge.REM( Rapid-eye movement ) Phase
Dream mainly occur in Rapid eye movement stage of sleeping - it the movement when brain activity is high.
What is time duration of dream?
The length of the dream vary they may last for a few seconds or approximately 20 to 30 minutes. People are more likely to remember the dream if they are awakened during the REM phase. People almost forgot there 90% of dream.Does Blind people see the Dreams?
People who become blind after birth or due to accident they can have image. So, they dream. The people who are born blind also dream due to there emotions and feeling.
Does Animals Dream too?
Studies have been done on some animals about there dreaming. And they all have same wave in brain during dream as human.
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