Time, it is a small thing for a person who doesn't have a interest in science field. But for a science person time is the biggest and curious chapter for him or her. We don't know from when our greatest scientists are working to Time from each and every aspect. The biggest question on Time is that "Can we control it". How many intelligent mind work on it but ended get nothing. In now a days scientist trying to find the answer of it in Quantum Physics.
So, according to recent update some of the physicists were carrying out a Time Reversal Experiment and they succeed by reversing at some fraction. In the book name "The Quantum Universe: Everything that can happen does happen" the physicist Brian Cox mention that Entropy is the reason time flows in one direction. On the site Physics.org there is a post which say that physicist from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology reverse the state of Quantum computer a fraction second. They also find the probability that an electron in a interstellar space can spontaneously travel back in past. The electron travel in time no more then the one billionth of a second.
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