The cyclic behavior of two-state quantum system in the presence of oscillatory driving fields is called as Rabi Cycle or Rabi Flops. This cycle is very important for quantum optics, magnetic resonance and quantum computing. In two-state system there is two levels. If that levels are not degenerate system get excited because it absorb large amount of quantum energy. If the two-state system is light up by a coherent beam of photons, it will cyclically absorb photons energy and re-emit as stimulated emmision.
What is RPA? RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is technology which let organization to make their task easy by allowing them to automate the task just like a human being was doing them across application and systems. The purpose of RPA is to transfer the process execution from humans to bots. Robotic process automation interacts with the existing IT architecture with no complex system integration required. UiPath - The vendor UiPath is a New York City-based global software company that develops a platform for robotic process automation (RPA). The company's software monitors user activity to automate repetitive front and back office tasks, including those performed using other business software such as customer relationship management or enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. UiPath develops software to automate repetitive digital tasks normally performed by people. The technology combines emulating how humans read computer screens (AI Computer Vision) with APIs...
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