Honeypot is a part of a study of Cyber Security. It is used for detecting or deflecting the problems or unauthorized attempts on Information System and also gathering the info. It is able to monitor, block or analyze the attackers. Honeypot is just used to attract the attackers to the system. You can say it is like a baiting the cyber criminals. It have a same application and system like the real system of computers. That's why attackers take this as a baits. This mostly used for understanding attackers behavior pattern.
Honeypot are classifieds on their deployment and based on their level of development.
Classification based on their deployment:-
- Productions honeypots
They are easy to use but gather less info and mostly used by corporations. It is placed in production network along with other production servers. This honeypots are easy to deploy. They serve as a decoy system inside fully network and servers.
- Research honeypots
Classification based on their level of deployment:-
- Pure honeypots
In this the activities of attackers are monitor by using the bug tap which are installed to the honeypots linked to the network. No other software needs to be installed. It is ensure more control mechanism.They are unsophisticated.
- High-interactions honeypots
This imitate the activities of production system that host the variety of services. This allow the attackers to use lot of services and waste their time. By employing the virtual machine multiple honeypots can be run on one physical machine. Therefore, if honeypot even get compromised it can be restored.
- Low-interaction honeypots
This stimulates the service only requested by attackers. That's why it consume less resource. It doesn't have complex system.
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